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Professional Learning Opportunity in Data Literacy for Social Studies


Michigan's new Social Studies Standards expect all students K-12 to analyze, use, and create different types of data visualizations, including maps, timelines, and graphs. Few social studies teachers have had training in data literacy – the ability to read, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and argue with data and data visualizations. Tammy Shreiner (Associate Professor of History, Grand Valley State University & Executive Director of MCHE) and Bradford Dykes (Assistant Professor of Statistics, GVSU) with Mark Guzdial (Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Michigan) are developing free on-line education resources (OER) to prepare social studies teachers to teach data literacy and to give them resources to use in their classes. In short virtual sessions over the two weeks, they will host a professional learning opportunity: Introducing teachers to the OER, guiding them through the use of the interactive activities, and getting feedback to improve the OER.


Sessions will take place over the following dates:

November 9-20

January 19-29

April 19-30


Teachers can earn 7 SCECH for participation in this professional development opportunity. To earn the SCECH, you must participate in 3 brief synchronous Zoom sessions, complete asynchronous online work between sessions, and design a 1-3 day lesson plan that incorporates data literacy.


Sign up and choose your preferred dates here:



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Contact Us


Nick Orlowski

Executive Director Michigan Council for History Education

Director of School Leadership for CS Partners


D-1-214 Mackinac Hall

1 Campus Drive

Allendale, MI 49401

(616) 313-8568

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